This lesson follows on from ‘Using R to draw the equation of a straight line graph - Part 1’ and demonstrates how to use R to plot straight line graphs (y=mx+c) with different intercepts and negative gradients followed by questions on the observed differences.
Plotting and finding the equations of straight line graphs y=mx+c
This is a worked example for you to follow.
We will show you how to plot the line graph for y=2x + 5.
x <- seq(from=-4, to=4, by=1) # sequence the x-axis from -4 to 4
y <- 2*x+5
mydata <- tibble (x,y)
ggplot(mydata) +
aes(x,y) +
geom_point () +
geom_line (col='red')+
geom_vline (xintercept = 0, col='black')+
geom_hline (yintercept = 0, col='black')
We will now see what happens when you change the intercept c to a negative value.
Run the code in chunk2 by clicking on the little arrow on the right of the code chunk.
x <- seq(-4, 4) # sequence from -4 to 4
y1 <- 3*x+5
y2 <- 3*x-5
mydata <- tibble (x,y1,y2,y)
ggplot(mydata) +
geom_line (aes(x=x, y=y1), col='red')+
geom_line (aes(x=x, y=y2), col='blue')+
geom_vline (xintercept = 0, col='black')+
geom_hline (yintercept = 0, col='black')
Question: What is the same and what is different about these lines?
Knit your document and check the output.
Draw these lines on a graph. Use the R code from chunk2 to help you. Remember to update the code with these new lines.
Question: What is the same and what is different about these lines?
Now we will investigate m (the gradient). Draw these lines on a graph. Use R code from chunk2 to help you.
Run the code and knit the document.
Question: What is the same and what is different about these lines?
Q1 In the equation y=mx+c, what happens when you change c?
Q2 What happens when you change m?
Write your answers here
Write down the equations of the following four lines on the graph below.
Knit the document to get a good view of the graph.
Write your answers here
Cyan line:
Red line:
Blue line:
Orange line:
KNIT YOUR DOCUMENT for the final time. This will be the version that your teacher will mark.
License and Citation: You can use, modify, and adapt any of the lessons, but please include the following attribution: RGirls Community. (2022, April 10). RGirls Lessons. Zenodo.